After had discovered different theories and examples, in this phase we will engage with grassroots projects, visiting different examples in the region. Let’s put our hands on real projects of social change!
For excursions during the conference we offer following targets:

For details on the locations, click on the map to open it larger and click the point of interest.
June 3rd
- Healing center Karow
- tour to visit windmills in the area and farmerâs lake in LÃŒssow
June 4th
Rostock has a lot to see like the light house in WarnemÃŒnde. For political organizing we are connected to
- Peter Weià Haus
- Cafe Median
June 5th
There is a solidary economy network in and around Rostock. For example green food is grown collectively in Bandow. If you are interested to see their place, today you have an opportunity to get to know it.
- CSA Bandow (ecological farm with solidary agriculture)
- Warnow valley – tour through the beaturiful river biotope